How are providers in your HIE community accessing medical imaging studies for their patients? What’s the secret to driving efficiencies and enhanced patient care?
When you need access to images across the HIE community, viewing studies through a tool like eHealth Connect Image Exchange is your answer. But what happens when you need to do more than just view studies? How can you accomplish that? Trick question – eHealth Technologies has a solution.
The secret is out – Transfer-to-PACS, or TTP, augments eHealth Connect Image Exchange by allowing authorized HIE users to select from one or more external imaging exams to transfer into their own PACS. The system will automatically ensure the correct local patient MRN has been inserted into its corresponding DICOM field, so when it is imported it will appear as part of the local patient record on their PACS. Accession numbers can also be edited as needed prior to initiating a transfer.
Are providers in your HIE community looking to streamline workflows?
TTP saves time and money replacing costly manual production, transportation, and importing of imaging physical media, such as films and CDs, with just a few clicks from your HIE. During this time of the COVID pandemic, TTP eliminates the burden on patients of tracking down their prior images and transporting them to their next point-of-care, which reduces their risk of contracting or spreading the virus.
What cost savings do facilities experience that utilize TTP?
TTP is not only the safe and secure method for transferring studies, but it is also the most cost- effective. The decrease in time spent calling, locating, and requesting external imaging studies has resulted in potential savings for HIE facilities and practices using TTP on average between $307,000 and $512,000 per month. In June, two western New York HIEs together transferred more than 25,000 image studies resulting in potential savings of more than $250,000.

You don’t believe the savings? Contact me or Gary Larson and we will send you the worksheet to help you calculate your own savings.
Healthcare organizations are facing many challenges as they work to enhance patient care and provide a positive patient experience; reduce clinician burnout and drive increased staff satisfaction; implement innovative solutions to access patient information from disparate sources; control costs…the list goes on and on. HIEs play a key role in supporting many of these initiatives. If your HIE is not benefiting from Image Exchange and Transfer-to-PACS, ask yourself, why not?