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Medical Record Retrieval and Indexing: Where Growth and Efficiency Intersect

June 9, 2021


eHealth Company

Let’s take a moment to stand in the shoes of Jane, a medical professional working at one of the largest transplant centers in the region.

Jane is one of many clinical staff members responsible for manually organizing and distributing the medical records of thousands of patients in the program. At the same time, Jane must prioritize the following: patient care, learning new industry skills to stay ahead of the curve, and ensuring the ball isn’t dropped in the process.

Jane is part of a growing team, which means there are more patients to serve with superior care, more records to organize and manage, more team members to mentor, and a continued desire to build capabilities leading to career advancement.

All of these factors lead to two questions:

  1. When a medical team grows, is it possible to keep priorities in check?
  2. When the work grows, do the current processes still make sense?

These questions were posed by a team leading one of the largest transplant centers in the Southern part of the U.S*. Their team was growing while their bandwidth to retrieve medical records using current processes was shrinking. Their patient base, which was once primarily local, started to expand with transplant patients flocking in from other parts of the U.S. Soon, staff members were interacting with several hospitals and providers, making it difficult to navigate various systems and electronic requests to successfully retrieve medical records in a timely manner.

The team knew there had to be a more efficient and innovative way to conduct record retrieval and maintenance without sacrificing superior patient care. There had to be a way to free their staff from spending hours on record retrieval logistics and coordination, allowing them to focus more on their patients and expanding their skillsets.

By enlisting the services of eHealth Technologies, the hospital was able to:

  • Reduce the time to listing for transplant patients from 9 months to 2 months. Imagine being a transplant patient and benefiting from this shortened timeline!
  • Significantly reduce the time it takes to review patient records – Intelligent Clinical Record services to organize records has expedited their process from hours to seconds. If you were a staff member, what would you do with the extra time?
  • Save money on hiring needs – the hospital would have to hire 10 additional staff members to retrieve records but would still be missing the value of how records are organized and delivered in a searchable format by the eHealth Technologies’ team. From a management perspective, you’re helping your staff while improving your bottom line – a winning combination.

Once your organization reaches a certain volume capacity, it becomes critical to evaluate your current processes in place. An organization shouldn’t be punished by its growth – it should be rewarded! And efficiency should never be sacrificed in the process.

Is your team experiencing similar growing pains?

eHealth Technologies works with hospitals and health systems across the country, becoming an integral part of the fabric of these organizations, educating staff, providing resources, and expediting everyday processes so more and more patients receive the superior care they deserve.

* eHealth Technologies shares success stories while protecting the confidentiality of our clients as needed in a competitive business environment.

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