Filling a major gap in healthcare – getting all the health information needed for patients referred for specialty care
eHealth Technologies Blog: Ken Rosenfeld, co-founder, eHealth Technologies

Talk to any employee at eHealth Technologies, and you will hear that one of the fundamental things that drives them to work so hard is that they know what we do is critical to patients and their doctors. This is why I was so pleased when we reached the milestone of 700,000 patients served in early August 2016. Being able to fill a major gap in healthcare – getting all the health information needed for patients referred for specialty care – is clearly being seen as an essential part of our customers’ clinical workflow. The proof of this is shown in the exponential growth of the company, and how quickly we went from exceeding 500,000 patient requests last year, to exceeding 700,000 this year:

With the rate of growth we are seeing, we should hit the milestone of helping over 1,000,000 patients by the end of next year.
What is even more significant in this number is that while we use some very advanced technology to provide our services, every single request is reviewed, quality-checked (twice), and shepherded through our process by dedicated professionals in our service center. All of these highly-trained individuals at eHealth Technologies are ensuring that we deliver the full medical record that is needed by clinical specialists to provide care. By providing this critical information quickly to our customers, we are able to remove the medical record collection burden from patients, and ensure that their clinicians have full knowledge of their medical history and prior care. That means not repeating a radiation-producing CT Scan, because the one that was taken 2 weeks ago is just fine, and available to the patient’s physician. It also means that important clinical information, such as genetic screenings, are highlighted for the patient’s clinician within the sometimes thousands of pages of medical records, and not missed.
We look forward to continuing to serve our most important customer, the patient, for many years to come. Can’t wait to see what this chart looks like in the future.